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LADYSMITH, WI – Investment Advisor, REALTOR, and event promoter Jon P. Kaiser, 27, (R-Ladysmith), announced Monday that he has registered as a candidate for the 29th Senate District, the seat to be vacated by retiring Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon).

“The Northwoods needs an Ambassador to bring tourism and economic development back to God’s Country. We have the workforce and the resources available to grow as a regional powerhouse, and we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country right here in the 29th Senate District.” Jon explained. “I’ve been involved in multi-million dollar developments, I’ve worked with municipalities to rebuild roads without breaking the taxpayers’ bank, and I’ve been an advocate for increased tourism spending in Northern Wisconsin long before I thought about running for office. I live here and want to see my area thrive once again.”

Jon returned to Wisconsin in 2018 after three years in Palm Beach County, Florida working with one of the largest private developers in the country. He now serves on the board of the Ladysmith Community Industrial Development Corporation, facilitating economic development projects in the area. He also serves on the board of the REALTORS Association of Northwest Wisconsin Political Action Committee.

In 2021, Jon launched his event promotions business, JK Productions, LLC, and announced the return of Northwoods Rock Rally, which was once the largest event in Rusk County. Later that year, he was appointed to the board of the Flambeau Valley Arts Association, who is celebrating its 50th Season.

“I want to break down the barriers and stereotypes that have been created for Republicans.” Said Jon. “We support education, the arts, and the environment, but unfortunately because we don’t agree with the left on how to support these things, we’re painted as anti-education, anti-arts, and anti-environment. I believe I may be the Democratic Party’s worst nightmare, because if there were more Republicans willing to tackle these issues, I’m not sure there would be any Democrats left.”

In addition to his business and community involvement, Jon has been politically active since he was in high school. He brought Congressman Sean Duffy to speak to his fellow students at Ladysmith High School in 2013. That summer, he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans prior to stepping foot on campus at UW-Madison. He served on the board of that organization under two chairmen, Tim Duffy and Matt Walker. In Florida, he was elected President of the Palm Beach County Young Republicans, where he worked with candidates from local city council all the way up to President Donald Trump, in his home county.

“I believe I bring the dealmaking abilities of Donald Trump, the common sense approach of Jimmy Boy Edming, the policy focus of Tom Tiffany, and the ability to stand up for what’s right like Scott Walker.” Jon claims. “It’s not easy to step up and run for public office, but I truly believe that I bring something to the table that many others can’t: The ability to get things done without being influenced by bad actors.”

The 29th Senate District encompasses all of Marathon, Rusk, Taylor, Sawyer Counties and parts of Wood and Clark Counties. The Primary Election is set for Tuesday, August 9th, 2022, and the General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.



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Jon P. Kaiser - 2023

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